STJ Goes to LEA
Last week your St. John’s faculty had the wonderful opportunity to attend the national Lutheran Education Association (LEA) convocation in Milwaukee, WI. For three days, over 3,000 Lutheran educators and administrators came together to learn and worship, laugh and brainstorm, encourage and support one another.
Tori : It was AMAZING, and the Together theme was perfect for such an uplifting and fulfilling experience. However, as phenomenal as the actual convocation was, and as empowering as it was to be among 3,000+ fellow Lutherans, the absolute best part of the entire event was experiencing it with my friends and coworkers from St. John’s. I know that sounds cliche, but honestly, I had so, so, SO much fun with them.
Cadie : The staff bonding that took place on this trip was probably my favorite part of it. I also attended two sessions that gave me a lot of ideas to implement when working with my students.
: : It was exciting to be with like-minded Lutheran teachers. Truth, Identity, & Purpose in a Post Christian America was exceptional on the realities of teaching and using scripture to defend our
beliefs in today’s society.
Maria : I loved being surrounded by fellow Lutheran school teachers and spending time together as a staff. During one of my sessions, we broke up into small groups to discuss ideas with each other. One idea that was shared was the success of using a visual schedule in their classroom. I’m excited to start implementing that in my classroom.
Anna : We couldn’t spend enough time together! Car rides, meals, LEA sessions, and talking with each other into the night – it was great to spend time with everyone outside of school!
Deb : I enjoyed meeting former students, colleagues and mentors. It was awesome having time to visit with them and attend sessions with them. Sharing of ideas and information with others is so valuable.
Jeremy : Hanging out with the other staff was awesome!
Laura : I really enjoyed getting to spend time with the rest of the staff who I don’t necessarily get to see everyday! Woo!
Kyle : I am proud of a staff filled with decades of experience in the profession and others with the new energy of just beginning a career. St. John’s families continue to be in good hands.
: The National LEA Conference gave me the opportunity to receive some very insightful
information from some very outstanding speakers and teachers on some very relevant topics for me
as a teacher in Lutheran schools. Scott Hamilton’s life story reminded me that God has a loving plan
and purpose for every person even though we can not often see that as we are experiencing life.
Kari : Milwaukee was an amazing opportunity to grow in my teaching as well as get to know my staff better! I feel so blessed to have a staff like this one at St. John’s.
Gretchen : As you can see from all of the comments above, it’s incredibly valuable to step out of our classrooms for the purpose of learning, rejuvenation, and professional growth. I, too, laughed throughout our time together (whether it was standing in long lines for coffee or enjoying our late night chats at the hotel) – good for the soul! The time spent connecting with various family, friends, and colleagues from around the country who share in this amazing profession was an extra bonus. I walked away with some great administrative tools from time in my sessions, and the keynote speaker (Scott Hamilton) was inspiring. Praise the Lord that our Lutheran education system puts this type of care for its workers at the forefront of all we do. Ultimately, I can proudly and simply say that I love the people with whom I get to serve every day. What a gift from God!
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