Dear Families,
Our school has chosen the theme shared by many other LCMS schools – Sent to Serve. Our synod supports the use of the theme in schools with “Chapel Talks”. Here is this coming week’s message for LCMS schools as a reminder of our freedoms and our service to others:
Martin Luther heard many “I have to…” messages. From his father, Martin heard, “You have to go to school to be a lawyer.” Martin was led otherwise and became a priest. Martin heard, “You have to obey the Pope and the rulings of the church,” and “You have to pay for the forgiveness of sins by purchasing indulgences.”
From his own conscience, Martin heard, “You have to be a better person,” and “You have to do more so that God will love you more.” Martin found out that he could never do enough to please others and especially God. We are in the same situation. We are born sinners. Every day we sin with our thoughts, words and deeds. We can never do enough to pay for our sins.
God led Martin to God’s Word and God’s truth. The truth is that Jesus came as our Savior. The truth is that Jesus freely chose to obey God’s will and to suffer our punish- ment. The truth is that Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross paid for all of our sins. The truth is that we are free from our sins and the punishment for our sins by believing in Jesus’ sacrifice for us. The truth is that we will be free from death and the grave.
Through Jesus, the Son of God, we are free indeed (v. 36) . We are now free to serve. As we observe the Reformation, we give thanks for Martin Luther and others who were God’s servants at an important time in the history of the world and the history of the church. Even though Martin Luther faced threats and persecution as he shared the truth, he was joyfully free to do God’s will.
Because of our freedom, our “free to” list includes: We are free to worship. We are free to go to a Lutheran school. We are free to bring our offerings to support our church and missions. We are free to obey our parents and teachers. We are free to live as God’s children and to serve Him and one another. We are free to share the Good News of our salvation. We are free to celebrate the blessings of the Reformation.
In joyful service,
Mrs. Dolan
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