Eagle Connection 11.19.2020 all-school newsletter

nvnzzeza • 19 November 2020

Dear Families,

With a period of distance learning ahead of us this next week, I wanted to make you aware of a few things!

  • What happens in two days of distance learning next week will not be completely indicative of how it may need to work during a longer period of distance learning.  While we have been practicing and working with K-8th students in Google Classroom since the start of school, this will be our first chance to test our technology, programs, bandwidth if teachers opt to instruct from their classrooms, scheduling.  Each year also presents unique class dynamics and family needs, so teachers will take note of this, too, during this short round of distance learning.  Reach out to your child’s teacher if you have questions or concerns!
  • Your child’s teacher will communicate with you via email prior to Sunday about expectations and scheduling for next Monday and Tuesday.
  • Each grade level requires its own plan for distance learning to accommodate students at various levels in their education, maturity, adeptness with technology, etc.  For example, the upper grades may meet with each teacher in a live Google Meet, while the K or 1st grade classes may have more material shared via teacher-led video recordings.
  • In these two days on our usual school calendar, we’d typically have Small Business Day, field trips, and other events that work well for students and educators during a short week of school.  Because it is the end of the term right before a break, it is not an ideal time to begin new units, introduce brand new concepts, etc.  These two days may be a bit more “relaxed” than a full week of distance learning would be for this reason.
  • Attendance during distance learning is important.  In order for a student to be considered present each day, he/she must complete the work by the assigned due date/time and must participate in Google Meets as required by the teacher.  If your child is ill or unable to participate in distance learning for some reason, please contact BOTH the office and your child’s teacher .

We pray for health and safety in the coming week.  May God bless our time of distance learning and our Thanksgiving holiday!

In joyful service,

Mrs. Dolan

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St John's Evangelical Lutheran
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St John's Evangelical Lutheran
by nvnzzeza 5 January 2023
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