Dear Parents,
I am excited to announce our plan this year for chapel offerings! Please read this letter entirely as we embark on a joint effort between school and home. We need your help!
Our school theme this year is “Sent to Serve” which presents us with a beautiful reminder of God’s purpose for each of us. While we are not yet able to gather physically as an entire school in chapel, we can still find ways to come together as a school to support God’s kingdom.
This year, the teachers will collect the offerings from students in their class. Then, each class will be tasked with choosing a service project of their own that will be funded or supported with those offering dollars. The students and teachers will collaborate about the way in which they will use (or even multiply) their dollars to serve someone else. They may choose to take on a project in service to the school or church, an individual, a family, a group, an organization, etc. Offering dollars will be collected through the end of September. The classes will have October-March to accomplish their service projects. In April and May, each class will share about their project during chapel and the ways in which they were “Sent to Serve” their Lord and His people.
We will send offering envelopes home with each student next week. Please consider how you can support your child’s effort to serve others! Your prayers are first and foremost – that the Lord would bless these plans to make a difference in the life of others. Your donations will provide the means for our children to see how generosity from faith-filled people sheds light on the Giver of all good things. Encourage your children to give, too! It’s impactful when they can play an active role in serving others by a variety of means.
Thank you in advance for your prayers and support as St. John’s students are “Sent to Serve” now and always.
In joyful service,
Mrs. Dolan
Read our full newsletter here:
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