A Very Special Chapel Offering Project
Dear Parents,
We have made the decision as a school that all of our chapel offering dollars for the 2022-23 academic year will be given to support the Loeslie family. Please read their story on the next page, and talk with your child about our plan to share our gifts with another family in need of our help.
Our support plan is three-pronged for each trimester this year: Term 1 – give toward a GoFundMe campaign set up to secure housing for the family, Term 2 – support the family and children for various holidays, and Term 3 – “Spring Up” to support one of their specific family or household needs.
We are setting the goal before our students and families to raise $2,500+ per term. On average, if each student gives $1.50 per week for chapel offering, we’d easily accomplish this goal. We know you may be moved to give more, too! Chapel offering envelopes will be sent home weekly. Children certainly feel a part of the giving when they participate weekly. We’d love for you to involve your child in this regular giving, but you are also absolutely welcome to give a larger offering in one lump sum for the year if you feel so moved. If you’d like to give more than once per year, that would be wonderful as well. We will apply any larger gifts equally across the three terms to help students reach our trimester goals.
Thank you for giving generously and teaching your children to do the same! Keep the Loeslie family in your prayers.
In His Service,
Mrs. Dolan and St. John’s Lutheran School
To learn more about the Loeslie family and read our newsletter in full, click here: https://stjlutheranschool.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Eagle-Connection-All-School-Newsletter-09.15.22.pdf
The post Eagle Connection All-School Newsletter 09.15.22 appeared first on St. John's Lutheran School.
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