Dear St. John’s Eagles,
Amidst the madness of planning…and adjusting…and more planning, I’m so touched by your many generous notes of joy, thankfulness, and support regarding our plans for this upcoming school year! Your words lift my heart and are a reminder that we are doing all of this for our children – one of God’s greatest gifts.
We join with Lutheran schools across the nation who will share our same school theme this year Sent to Serve based on the words in Matthew 20:28 “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” This year, we will focus on how we serve one another, and I’m certain we will have ample opportunities to do so. Furthermore, as a school, we will focus on how we can serve those beyond our school walls. Look for more information to come as school begins! I’m honored to serve the students and families, our faculty and staff, and St. John’s overall. I will be here with you and for you every step of the way as we embark on a slightly new journey this school year. More importantly, the Lord is with all of us as we traverse whatever path He sets before us. I can’t WAIT to SEE you in just a few weeks!
In joyful service,
Mrs. Dolan
Read our full newsletter here!
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