Dear Families,
Last year, we were unable to host our annual Eagle Family FUNDay, and we all missed this annual event dearly! This year, even though the format still requires adjustment, we are so excited that PTL is coordinating FUNDay once again! You should have received the flyer in your inbox. As a reminder, all proceeds will go toward updating and refreshing our entire lobby space. This extends from the front door all the way back to the ESP hallway. The plan includes new carpeting (and paint), modular furniture, and artwork. This will be an exciting change for so many reasons:
Please consider giving generously toward this cause! Wouldn’t it be amazing if we were able to meet a goal of $50,000?! It can be done! We’ve successfully banded together in so many ways this past year. I’m certain this is something we can accomplish on behalf of our children if we put our full hearts and efforts into giving generously! May God bless our event!
In joyful service,
Mrs. Dolan
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